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Frequently Asked Questions for New Members

FREE SMS Zimbabwe FAQsHere are some frequently asked questions by our customers. Click on the question(s) to view the answer


Does this really work and how reputable are you?

See what other members are saying about our services here before you register. You can also read some press release statements from the media here.

How many FREE texts do I get per day to text netone, econet & telecel

You get the following quantities all for FREE


Period Quantity
Per Day 20 FREE SMS
Per Week 140 FREE SMS
Per Month 600 FREE SMS
Per Year 7200 FREE SMS





Whats the cost of becoming a member?

$0.00. You dont pay anything now or in future. Just register here and start texting for FREE

Where do I register?

You can register here. You can also watch this video on how to register

Whats the cost of sending a message?

$0.00. Its completely FREE as long as you are sending to netone, econet or telecel

Why should I use your services when I can use BINU?

You are free to use either or both but we top up your account daily with FREE SMS whereas BINU gives you only 10 SMS per week as seen by their statement at the bottom of their page here or read below:

Is there a contract to sign

No. Just register here and start texting for FREE!!!

Is the receiver supposed to be on a PC to receive messages?

No. You text to a cellphone and you can even text your ambuya/ gogo on her most basic Nokia phone as long as it can receive messages. No need for her to be online or on GPRS.

I can't remember my password or username to login?

Your username is your cellphone number starting 2637xxxxxx. For your password, click here to reset it and it will be emailed to the email you initially registered with. If you registered prior to April 2012 then you will need to re-register as we have introduced a new registration process.


My logins are not working?

If you registered prior to April 2012 then you will need to re-register as we have introduced a new registration process. If you registered after then you might want to reset your login username or password by clicking the forgot username or password link here

Iv registered but still have not received my verification code?

Just completing the registration process here does not mean you will get the verification code sent. You will need to login to activate the verification process where you will be taken through a step by step guide as seen by this video tutorial

Iv registered and logged in but still no verification code?

You might need to give it upto about 5 mins max for the code to be sent to you but if you still haven't received the code or lost it, either 1. beep, 2. send a call me back, or 3. text a blank message from your number (in question) to +263779076776 to get your number manually verified. The reason we need you to beep/text/send call back is so we know your registered number is genuine and does belong to the registered account holder (you). Once our agent matches your account registered cellphone number and the number you beeped/texted/callme back from, we will manually activate your number and send you a confirmation email. For any queries call our Bulawayo branch on +263-9-883429

Is this only limited to subscribers of netone/ econet or telecel?

No, anyone can register as long as you hold a Zimbabwean cellphone number (+2637xxxx)

Are you affiliated to econet's etxt platform for facebook?

No. FREE SMS Zimbabwe runs two BulkSMS service, this FREE SMS Platform and eTEXT (as opposed to econet's eTXT) and are available at (here) and The later is the paid-for version which has more features than FREE SMS Zimbabwe. With econets eTXT you can text facebook updates (which is a great thing) but you get charged for each text. With FREE SMS Zimbabwe, you text directly to a users handset for FREE once you become a member.

After registration, when do I get my SMS credits?

SMS credits are instantly added the moment you complete registration and then every 24hrs thereafter.

When I send an SMS, where do I get my reply

Your recipient replies directly to your phone. This is why we need you to register with your cellphone number so that your number reflects on the recipients screen. Recipient wont even know you sent the message from our website

Whats in it for you. Why is it FREE?

We make our money through advertisers. We limit your text to only 100 chars leaving the 60 char for advertising. You can read more about it here


Does it mean you also get these messages FREE?

No. Just like making a phone call, every sent message incurs whats called a termination fee so we have already prepaid termination fees to netone, econet and telecel else it would be illegal. We however provide the service free to you and get it sustained through advertisers


Can I still register without a Zimbabwean cellphone number?

Unfortunately you cant. You can however register on our sister site called but SMS are charged starting at 2.3- 3cents/msg to Zimbabwe (depends on quantity)

Who maintains and supports your site and services

Our mother company is responsible for everything, Webdesigners, a webhosting company that offers domain registrations (.com, etc) and website design. Click here to visit Webdesigners

How do I know if my messages are delivered?

Once you create an account, you will be able to access your sent history which shows your delivery reports.


Why am I supposed to verify my number?

We need to validate the number so we know its a genuine working line and belongs to you


What other FREE Services do you offer?

FREE Websites ZimbabweWe also offer FREE Websites. You can read more about it here. We shall soon be offering FREE Domains


Do you have a company profile?

Yes, you can download a copy from here


end faq
