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Solution 7: SMS Shortcodes

Want to run an advert campaign- our system is the solution for Shortcodes advertising with an integrated auto reply solution at competitive rates. We offer an automated shortcode reply service at less than 3cents/msg a message and allow you to run a campaign like voting or advertsing. Your account comes with its own Keyword to enable our system to forward you the reply text that the local ISP (netone, econet, telecel) receives. The sender pays their standard network charge to send the text.


You could run a big brother africa campaign where users can text to vote for a housemate eg Vimbai from Zimbabwe. See the following example:

  1. Kuda Ncube signs up with us for a Big brother africa promotion where he wants to make money
  2. He runs an advert in the press giving users a shortcode (eg 32004) to text to vote for a housemate
  3. The cost to text to this shortcode is set at eg 50c/msg
  4. Users text to this shortcode the message "I Vote Vimbai"
  5. The local ISP (netone, econet or telecel) receive the message and instead of them replying a confirmation message like "Your vote has been counted" where they bill Kuda 5- 9c/reply, this is where we( come in. The ISP instead forwards the vote message to our system through http URL api routing
  6. handles the message and auto replies to the user and charges Kuda 2c/msg or lower (depending on number of voters)
  7. Kuda can also login to to view all vote messages from users

After the campaign, a possible breakdown of the revenue could be asshown in the two comparison tables below

*Using Local ISP (netone, econet or telecel) as Reply Gateway
Cost to user to text to 32004 50c
*Payment to POTRAZ 6c
*Tax and use of telecom lines etc 10c
*Reply by local ISP (netone, econet or telecel) 9c
Profit to Kuda 25c
*50% share of profits by local ISP 12.5c
Final profit to Kuda 12.5c


Using Us ( as Reply Gateway
Cost to user to text to 32004
*Payment to POTRAZ
*Tax and use of telecom lines etc
Reply by us (
Profit to Kuda
20% share of profits by us
*Payment to ISP for the routing 4c
Final profit to Kuda

*NOTE: The charges above might not be 100% accurate as of today due to continuous change of tariffs and laws but are a near rough guide
