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04 Apr 2011
As promised last week, we would like to advise that we have now launched our website version for the mobile phones accessible from

If you are using a phone that has internet functionality, why not test this by opening or typing the above link into your phones browser. You can avoid the lengthy path and simply type: ...

Read This First!!!
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Read This First!!!

Welcome to our FORUM. Please read and/ or post any posts within the relevant category to avoid confusion. If you feel we have a missing category for your post, do contact us so that we can add it.
This site owes its success to you and thus any feedback and suggestions you make will definately be taken serious. please share
2 Topics 5 Replies
Last Post: txts
by trevor dzenga
12 years, 4 months ago
Do you have questions. You might just find your answers here else simply jot it down for others and us to give you our best answers
3 Topics 11 Replies
by michael n ncube
12 years, 1 month ago
If you are happy with our FREE SMS Service, why not post a testimony here for other users to see. This will be your thank you to us.
1 Topics 207 Replies
Last Post: Re: Testimonies
by Atidaishe
13 years, 4 months ago
This is where we post any new ideas about our service. Fee free to join in and discuss. Who knows, your opinion might have a huge impact on the service
1 Topics 21 Replies
by Sean Kamba
12 years, 6 months ago

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