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Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!!
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TOPIC: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!!

Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #1

  • FREE SMS Zimbabwe
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  • Its raining FREE SMS In Zimbabwe
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FREE SMS Zimbabwe is proud to announce that since the launch of the product on 1 April 2011, we have received an overwhelming response with over 130 000 messages sent so far and over 7000 new users (measured as of the 4th of May 2011). A lot of our customers are constantly requesting for more messages to be added per day instead of the 20 daily.

We have however come up with a better plan. Instead of limiting users to 20 sms daily, we have decided to offer UNLIMITED texts for only $5/week or $10/month. This means users will be able to send as many texts as their energy allows. If you can text 200 a day, suit yourself.
Whats your opinion on this new package to be launched soon. NOTE that new users registering on the site will be eligible for 2 FREE SMS so as to experiment.

Pearson, FREE SMS Project Manager
FREE SMS Zimbabwe. Address: c/o Zimbabwe Business Directory
Suite 16, Samora Machel Parkade, Opp Kingstone Bookstore, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: +2634796528
Last Edit: 13 years, 10 months ago by FREE SMS Zimbabwe.

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #2

  • tindo06
so if that were to happen will we still have the 20 free SMSper day?

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #3

  • FREE SMS Zimbabwe
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  • Its raining FREE SMS In Zimbabwe
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No because we will now be giving you UNLIMITED texts. Imagine texting UNLIMITED texts for only $5/wk or $10/month. One can easily text 1000 texts in a day ie 1000X7days = 7000 sms and thats equivalent to about 0.0007cents (far much less than half a cent(0.01)).
We will introduce voucher systems where after paying cash you will be handed a 12 digit pin and all you do is enter it online under your account and your account is credited with UNLIMITED texts for the duration you have purchased.
Yours P, Admin
FREE SMS Zimbabwe. Address: c/o Zimbabwe Business Directory
Suite 16, Samora Machel Parkade, Opp Kingstone Bookstore, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: +2634796528

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #4

  • leroytigere
Some of us we are university students who use ths $5 is to much. U myt as wel sell them may be say 20sms aday for a wk=$1. Its affordable.

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #5

  • sthembaz
its a gret idear bt for me a student $5 per week is too much,takin that i send less than 100txt per week cn u lyk introduce $1 bundles we can aford.

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #6

  • FREE SMS Zimbabwe
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  • Its raining FREE SMS In Zimbabwe
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leroytigere wrote:
Some of us we are university students who use ths $5 is to much. U myt as wel sell them may be say 20sms aday for a wk=$1. Its affordable.

Dear leroytigere
Thank you for your suggestion. We will take this into consideration. Just remember that our proposal of $5/wk is not for a fixed number of texts but UNLIMITED texts or UNLIMITED for $10/month. We will see how many more people prefer your suggested option
FREE SMS Zimbabwe. Address: c/o Zimbabwe Business Directory
Suite 16, Samora Machel Parkade, Opp Kingstone Bookstore, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: +2634796528

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #7

  • wchanengeta
does this mean that there will be no more 20 free SMSs?

Re: we want $6 a year for a "free" service 13 years, 10 months ago #8

  • Takoul_M
No! We want $6 a year that is 50cents a month.. Multiply it by 7000 customers thus $42,000 a year its enough for a "free" service as you mentioned..its enough for 20 texts a day...

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #9

  • Takoul_M
We cannot pay that amount for a free service!

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #10

  • walcee
Your idea is good but it has some shortcomings which you should consider. 1st- some of us dont even use up all the 20 free sms. 2nd- $5 or $10 is not free. What i would suggest is to keep the free facility in place but for those who want unlimited sms, they can always pay

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #11

  • Beauty
I welcome it bt cant you give us even 10 free sms per day becoz $5 is 2much 4 a student like me.

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #12

  • chipmash
I take it you won't be offering the free service anymore then?

I believe that defeats the whole purpose of your initial existence, unless of course it was to lure us in under the pretext of being a free text service and yet planning to spring these charges on us.

I think i will be one of those who will stop using the "free" service that charges.

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #13

  • FREE SMS Zimbabwe
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  • Its raining FREE SMS In Zimbabwe
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chipmash wrote:
I take it you won't be offering the free service anymore then?

I believe that defeats the whole purpose of your initial existence, unless of course it was to lure us in under the pretext of being a free text service and yet planning to spring these charges on us.

I think i will be one of those who will stop using the "free" service that charges.

Thank you for your comment. When we launched the service we were giving 5 sms a day and users requested more and we pegged it at 10 then at 20 after we got more requests. Users are still mailing us for more texts a day and therefore the UNLIMITED package is the only thing that can suffice this at a reasonable cost. We can do the $1 or $3 bundles like some of you suggested and at the same time still offer a few FREE texts
Yours P, Admin
FREE SMS Zimbabwe. Address: c/o Zimbabwe Business Directory
Suite 16, Samora Machel Parkade, Opp Kingstone Bookstore, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: +2634796528

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #14

  • zimspy007
It Was Good While It Lasted But I For One Alwayz Knew That This 'Free' Business A Lure,You Guys Caught Us Hook Line And Sinker.Always Wondered What Your Endgame Was Now We Know.From Free To I Quote,'UNLIMITED',Moodkiller!

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #15

  • cboe
$5 z too much for a wk,i blv 20msges ar mor @n enough 4 a day n i cn hardly finish mine, wt about $1 for 100smses per wk

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #16

  • zarue
$1 sound reasonable

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #17

  • FREE SMS Zimbabwe
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  • Its raining FREE SMS In Zimbabwe
  • Posts: 18
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zimspy007 wrote:
It Was Good While It Lasted But I For One Alwayz Knew That This 'Free' Business A Lure,You Guys Caught Us Hook Line And Sinker.Always Wondered What Your Endgame Was Now We Know.From Free To I Quote,'UNLIMITED',Moodkiller!

Dear zimspy007
As we have stated on our announcement here users still get FREE SMS on signup and then UNLIMITED texts for the proposed amounts. So noone will limit you from texting 10 000 messages in day x 7days= 70 000 or X30 for 1 month= 300 000 msgs

For those who are not heavy texters then our $1 bundles can suffice.
As we have stated, we are not here to criticise each other but to get your views on what you think will be reasonable as we do not want to be left with the only option of implementing whats seen here
FREE SMS Zimbabwe. Address: c/o Zimbabwe Business Directory
Suite 16, Samora Machel Parkade, Opp Kingstone Bookstore, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: +2634796528

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #18

  • FREE SMS Zimbabwe
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  • Its raining FREE SMS In Zimbabwe
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zarue wrote:
$1 sound reasonable

Dear zarue
Thank you for your opinion. With the $1 bundle, we are proposing to give out 100 texts expiring not in a couple of days like other providers but 30 days. So depending on what you suggest, we might get rid of the $5/wk for an UNLIMITED texts and stick to the bundle options as shown in the diagram below

and explanation in this announcement

Yours P, FREE SMS Admin
FREE SMS Zimbabwe. Address: c/o Zimbabwe Business Directory
Suite 16, Samora Machel Parkade, Opp Kingstone Bookstore, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: +2634796528

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #19

  • godfreyn
Ok was one of those benefiting from your free service and I can welcome your development of giving unlimited service which i think is good but I would like to subscribe for a bundle and I am in Beitbridge right now can you please help

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #20

  • FREE SMS Zimbabwe
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  • Its raining FREE SMS In Zimbabwe
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godfreyn wrote:
Ok was one of those benefiting from your free service and I can welcome your development of giving unlimited service which i think is good but I would like to subscribe for a bundle and I am in Beitbridge right now can you please help

Dear godfreyn
That is not a problem. All you need to do is pay/transfer into our Kingdom bank account or get someone to purchase credit either into your account or simply transfer their credit into yours. We will explain these features by mid next week
FREE SMS Zimbabwe. Address: c/o Zimbabwe Business Directory
Suite 16, Samora Machel Parkade, Opp Kingstone Bookstore, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: +2634796528

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 13 years, 10 months ago #21

  • exagmg
If we are now goin to be paying 4 the servicei trust thoz relatively embarassing text signature u always take the liberty to include in our conversations will be stopped. i believe in business initiative bt i also believe u cnt gv use the same service for a higher price.
By the way love this service

Re: Introducing UNLIMITED texts!!! 12 years, 10 months ago #22

  • Sean Kamba
  • Fresh Boarder
  • God Is Love Stay Faithful
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There's a glitch with your software!! You need fix the chat 1 number a day!! Because in all fairness!! BiNu takes the cake when it come's to free messaging!! People need 2 download this app physically not log online 2 txt..fix that and guaranteed $$ back
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